Emil B. Wojtacki wrote:
> Recently, I have came across one of them in the offertory Ascendit Deus
> (
http://www.gregor-und-taube.de/D.6.d_Christi_Himmelfahrt.pdf , p.4, at
> word Alleluia).
That's a nice finding, Emil. Have you seen more of these liquescent
strophicae in those editions? Joseph Pothier is a fairly stylised
design; I wonder if a more 'standard' one would make the ligatures
decomposable in any sensible way. That is, if my assumption is correct
that the strophicae in question are ligatures of a strophicus auctus and
punctum deminutum. Intervalic variants of such stropha aucta plus a
single deminutum would at least put it in line with the rest of the
mutli-note section.
Grzegorz Rolek
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