[smufl-discuss] Re: script for generating minimal metadata

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[smufl-discuss] Re: script for generating minimal metadata

Robert Piéchaud

@Urs: Yes, November 2.0 is still a commercial product. Thank for offering to announce it on lilypondblog.org and/or adding it to fonts.openlilylib.org. I hope that is not too inappropriate since, as you recalled, openlilylib.org a Free Software project.
Opening up November to Lilypond, I had no special expectation in term of support from official (or non official) LilyPond.
The idea of offering LilyPond users a November option has been exciting for me (and technically challenging with SMuFL and such), although well yes, it is commercial in the end.

@Abraham: thank you for proposing your help. But I really hope there has been no misunderstanding re the nature (commercial vs free) of the November project. But let us communicate privately anyway!


> On 18 Dec 2014, at 23:35, Urs Liska <[hidden email]> wrote:
> Am 18.12.2014 23:29, schrieb tisimst:
>> Robert Piéchaud wrote
>>> By the way, November 2.0 will offer advanced support for LilyPond as well
>>> ( 2.19+). I am following Nathan Ho’s footsteps closely…:-)
>>> Robert
>> Are you talking about the efforts on openlilylib? Making November work with
>> LilyPond is easier than that. If you are interested in collaborating, I'd be
>> happy to assist you with making November LilyPond-compatible, too! You could
>> say that I've had a little experience doing that (see
>> http://fonts.openlilylib.org). No pressure, but would be very cool, I think,
>> for those who want to use it. If you are interested, let's communicate about
>> it privately since it's off-topic to this forum.
>> Regards,
>> Abraham
> Am I right that November is still a commercial product?
> There's absolutely nothing that speaks against announcing it on lilypondblog.org.
> And I think we can also add it to the collection of LilyPond fonts on fonts.openlilylib.org with the right disclaimer, although openlilylib.org is basically a Free Software project.
> However, don't expect any support from "official" LilyPond (like e.g. a news item on the website), "they" are quite fundamental about these issues.
> Best
> Urs

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Re: [smufl-discuss] Re: script for generating minimal metadata


Robert Piéchaud wrote

@Urs: Yes, November 2.0 is still a commercial product. Thank for offering to announce it on lilypondblog.org and/or adding it to fonts.openlilylib.org. I hope that is not too inappropriate since, as you recalled, openlilylib.org a Free Software project.
Opening up November to Lilypond, I had no special expectation in term of support from official (or non official) LilyPond.
The idea of offering LilyPond users a November option has been exciting for me (and technically challenging with SMuFL and such), although well yes, it is commercial in the end.

@Abraham: thank you for proposing your help. But I really hope there has been no misunderstanding re the nature (commercial vs free) of the November project. But let us communicate privately anyway!

No misunderstanding here :)

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