[smufl-discuss] Re: unison whole?

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[smufl-discuss] Re: unison whole?

Glenn wrote:

> While the appearance is very similar to two overlapped whole notes, and
> it could be constructed that way if all else fails, I was surprised to
> find so many variations of whole notes in SMUFL (& Bravura) yet not this

> one.
> Is there something I am overlooking (such as a ligature, or alternate
> glyph)? Or is there a recommendation for overlap offset?

You're not overlooking anything: this isn't currently included in SMuFL. I
don't personally think it should be included, since it's really just two
existing glyphs overlapped, rather than a distinctive glyph in its own

It's possible that a SMuFL-compliant font might want to include this
symbol as (e.g.) a ligature, but unless there is an outcry of support from
the community for it, I'd be disinclined to include it in Bravura.


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