Hi Robert,
>That said, I have a great deal of glyphs specific to November 2.0 but
>I don’t want to overwhelm this little community will all these at the
>moment… I can send the November 2.0 font map privately to anyone
>interested (rather advanced beta).
I'd be interested in seeing the November 2.0 map as well, if you'd be
willing; I'm in the middle of developing my own SMuFL font for
private, in-house use, and seeing an even more expansive set of glyphs
would be rather interesting.
Best wishes and happy new year to all on the list,
Alexander Blank
MM-Composition, Jacobs School of Music at Indiana University, 2016
BM-Composition, Jacobs School of Music at Indiana University, 2014
Cell: 812-219-6302
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