[smufl-discuss] Rests

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[smufl-discuss] Rests

Peter Trubinov

Now few questions about the Rests group.

1. As there are separate "restHBarLeft" (U+E4CE) and "restHBarRight"
(U+E4CD) symbols for the text based applications, there might be a
need for a separate middle part as well, so that the rest shapes of
different width could be constructed.

2. "restQuarterOld" (U+E4D0), isn't it rather stylistic alternate than
a symbol for the main set?

And by the way I didn't get a principle behind moving some
self-important symbols to stylistic alternates (like
"noteDoubleWholeAlt") and not doing it for others, less important
(e.g., "gClef8vbOld").


Dr. Peter Trubinov
 tel. worldwide: +358 50 486 77 96
 when in Russia: +7 921 438 62 88

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