[smufl-discuss] SMuFL Metadata generation

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[smufl-discuss] SMuFL Metadata generation

Knut Nergaard

I’ve been working on a music font for quite a while. It’s starting to grow to a respectable amount of characters, although I’m not yet in the vicinity of the Bravura font. As of now, I have about 700 characters, split between a basic font and several style supplements.

Initially, I planned to release the font commercially without adhering to the SMuFL standard, but in light of Robert Piéchaud’s recent release of November 2.0., I’m seriously thinking of making the font SMuFL compatible upon release.

From my (somewhat) limited understanding, a large amount of metadata will have to be generated to make the font truly compatible with SMuFL, in addition to the unique character mapping. I’m neither a seasoned font developer, nor in possession of any sort of programming knowledge. JSON is also unfamiliar territory to me, but the different kinds of metadata needed seems pretty clear to me from reading through the SMuFL guidelines. However, since the amount of metadata seems to large to be compiled manually, I’m not quite sure how to go about the process of collecting it.

I’ve been using FontLab to edit and generate the fonts, but there doesn’t seem to be a way to generate the metadata from there.

If anyone could offer me some help with this process, I would be very grateful!

Kind regards,
Knut Nergaard

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Re: [smufl-discuss] SMuFL Metadata generation


I heartily second this request! I guess there are a few music font designers wanting to work with SMuFL compliance, but unsure as to how to proceed with metadata glyph information. I personally would also appreciate some help!

Kind regards

Brad Cohen