[smufl-discuss] Triangular C Clef

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[smufl-discuss] Triangular C Clef

Knut Nergaard

Are you sure the Triangular C clef (U+E06F) Really is a c clef? Based on the clef clef changes (U+E071 and U+E072) it seems to be a g clef, which would make more sense anyway.

I’ve never seen the triangular clef changes in Bravura used in any score. But I think I’ve seen them in the Opus font family. The following variant, however, I’ve seen in use (by Penderecki at least) It is also featured in Erhard Karkoschka’s Notation in New Music:

I don’t know if this variation is more common or not, but personally, I think it’s clearer. Both the g and f clefs are the same size, the clef before the change is always mirrored and white. I may take the liberty of using this variation in slots E071 and E072 in my own font, even if SMuFL does not include it. What do you think?

Knut Nergaard