I guess attachments do _not_ work on this list... here is a link to what
is referred to as an attachment below. Curious the list manager, in not
forwarding the link, also didn't bounce the message back with an error...
http://nevcal.com/temporary/unison-whole.pdfAttached (hopefully, attachments work on this list) is a picture of what
I've always called a "unison whole" although perhaps it is known by
other names. And my usage, in typesetting 4-part vocal music, is for the
case where two parts on the same staff both sing the same whole note.
For notes with shorter durations, stems in both directions are used to
indicate that, but, of course, such cannot be used with whole notes!
While the appearance is very similar to two overlapped whole notes, and
it could be constructed that way if all else fails, I was surprised to
find so many variations of whole notes in SMUFL (& Bravura) yet not this
Is there something I am overlooking (such as a ligature, or alternate
glyph)? Or is there a recommendation for overlap offset?
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