"y=0" in registration guide lines.

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"y=0" in registration guide lines.

Maurizio M. Gavioli
In several points of the guide lines for glyph registration, the expression "y = 0" is used to indicate a vertical position. What does it refer to, precisely?

One of the first occurrences is at p. 19 of smufl-0.7.pdf: "The origin (bottom left corner of the em square, i.e. x = 0 and y = 0 in font design space) ...".

It might be me not being a native English speaker, but it is not 100% clear to me if this "y = 0" is intended to mean:

A) the vertical position which in usual, text-oriented, font design would be the descender height (on which, the whole EM height of the font usually 'sits')


B) the vertical position which most font editing applications label as vertical '0', i.e. the base line?


Maurizio M. Gavioli